
Create Custom Drop Lines Using Set Actions and Transparent Worksheets

The What Tableau Desktop includes a feature called drop lines that can be added to a graph (by right clicking on a mark and selecting drop lines > show drop lines). They then appear after clicking on any mark. There are some formatting options available, similar to reference lines. However, the biggest drawback to the […]


Use Icons to Add and Remove Values from a Set

The What Set actions allow the user to choose what is included and excluded from a set. Through the use of icons/shapes, the user can select what values they want to see as part of the set. Note: this method requires a worksheet (for the icon), a set, and a set action for every value […]


Use Set Actions to Show/Hide Underlying Data

The What Set Actions can be used to allow for the ability to toggle between showing and hiding underlying data. Often times when showing a distribution or box plot, it makes the visual less cluttered to not be able to see the underlying points. However, it can be helpful to view the underlying data to […]